www.symphonyofscience.com - En especial para fans de Sagan...

Iniciado por MR. ROBOTO, 27 de Enero de 2010, 01:26:38 AM

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Un proyecto que me parece increible, hermoso y muy inspirador. Un gran tributo a algunas de las mas grandes mentes científicas y un esfuerzo por difundir la ciencia a traves de la música.

Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected' with subtitles

Para mas información, videos y audios gratis visiten: http://www.symphonyofscience.com
My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain I.B.M.
So if you see me acting strangely don't be surprised.


Symphony of Science - 'Our Place in the Cosmos' (ft. Sagan, Dawkins, Kaku, Jastrow)


With every century
Our eyes on the universe have been opened anew
We are witness
To the very brink of time and space

[Robert Jastrow]
We must ask ourselves
We who are so proud of our accomplishments
What is our place in the cosmic perspective of life?

[Carl Sagan]
The exploration of the cosmos
Is a voyage of self discovery
As long as there have been humans
We have searched for our place in the cosmos

[Richard Dawkins]
Are there things about the universe
That will be forever beyond our grasp?
Are there things about the universe that are

One of the great revelations of space exploration
Is the image of the earth, finite and lonely
Bearing the entire human species
Through the oceans of space and time

Matter flows from place to place
And momentarily comes together to be you
Some people find that thought disturbing
I find the reality thrilling

As the ancient mythmakers knew
We're children equally of the earth and the sky
In our tenure on this planet, we've accumulated
Dangerous evolutionary baggage

We've also acquired compassion for others,
Love for our children,
And a great soaring passionate intelligence
The clear tools for our continued survival

[Michio Kaku]
We could be in the middle
Of an inter-galactic conversation
And we wouldn't even know

We've begun at last
To wonder about our origins
Star stuff contemplating the stars
Tracing that long path

Our obligation to survive and flourish
Is owed not just to ourselves
But also to that cosmos
Ancient and vast, from which we spring
My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain I.B.M.
So if you see me acting strangely don't be surprised.


Me gusto mucho el proyecto  :-D esta muy bien elaborado el tributo, gracias Javier por compartir algo tan inspirador.
Jean Michel Jarre Electronica2:The Heart Of Noise


My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain I.B.M.
So if you see me acting strangely don't be surprised.


A mí sinceramente me pareció cutre... pero pa gustos se hicieron los colores, no?

...lost in space...


A mi me ha parecido una put@ mierd@, así con todas sus letras.



Mr. Punch

Conocía dos canciones y ahora que Mr. Roboto ha abierto el tema he descubierto que hay dos más. A mí me gustan mucho las canciones y el montaje, en buena parte puede ser porque la temática me resulta muy atractiva, ver una canción a partir de escenas de Cosmos tiene su punto :lol: Pero creo que tanto el montaje como la canción están muy correctamente hechas.... jo, eso ya lo he dicho antes, no tengo más que aportar :lol: