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Ewi, Chuck Norris flying kick and others

Iniciado por Paqui Dermo, 27 de Marzo de 2008, 06:24:09 PM

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Cita de: Juan en 28 de Marzo de 2008, 08:45:49 AM
Si este foro se distingue por algo es por dar total libertad a los foreros (siempre dentro de unos límites, claro está). Así que nada, siempre y cuando estas batallas se desarrollen en TERTULIA, vostros mismos.


Jefe, tomo ésto como un tirón de orejas... :wink: Solo me parece que éste cristiano ha llegado demasiado lejos (léase los reclamos legales en contra del foro entero)
XII Rendez-Vous @ San Fernando de Cádiz, 18.09.2009
XV Rendez-Vous @ Benicarló, 05.10.2012
XVI Rendez-Vous @ Madrid, 12.10.2013
XVII Rendez-Vous @ Sevilla, 27.09.2014


Evidentemente no has entendido el sentido de este foro: debatir, charlar, criticar y opinar sobre Jarre. Toda esa marea enferma y demente que has armado tu solo es totalmente innecesaria, o tanto menos superflua.

Ah, y te respondo: soy Xethis, miembro forero de FJarre. Y vale la aclaración, porque si no has captado la broma de Spademan, probablemente tampoco hayas entiendido para que sirven los nombres de usuario y los avatares. Un prueba de ésto es que firmas todos tus (cansinos y repetitivos) posts con tu nombre y tu nick (como si ya no supiéramos de quien se trata).

¿Yo no es Jarre, así que cómo amenazando mi seguridad personal cabe el sentido de este foro? Ahora que sé que no era simplemente un comentario desafortunado de una sola vez de un solo usuario, sino humor duradero en este foro, realizo que el problema es potencialmente mucho más grande. Estoy enterado ahora del malentendido. Estoy también enterado que peor podría suceder. Estoy intentando recomendar una línea de conducta para prevenir más lejos "malentendidos". Estoy intentando explicar exactamente porqué estas medidas son necesarias. Estoy enojado. Simplemente el despido de mis preocupaciones, poner en ridículome o regañar no va a ayudar a esa materia ahora. Estoy dispuesto a tomar toda la irrisión y chastisement que usted quisiera administrar. Por favor, solamente después que he hecho mi punto entendido. Estoy intentando seguir siendo constructivo y amistoso. Estoy trabajando muy difícilmente para hacerme entendido. Spademan se disculpó e intentó hacerse entendido a mí. Spademan pidió una traducción. He pedido ayuda en traducir y ayudando nos entendemos. Evidentemente, usted no ha entendido el sentido de mis postes. La gente agrega cosas al extremo de sus postes. Cuadros, bromas, a veces anuncios. Mi nombre y mi nick son lo que agrego al extremo de mis postes. ¿Esto le incomoda? ¿Si es así por qué?

I am not Jarre, so how does threatening my personal safety fit the sense of this forum ?

Now that I know that it wasn't simply a one-time unfortunate comment by a single user, but long-running humour on this forum, I realise that the problem is potentially a lot larger.

I am now aware of the misunderstanding.
I am also aware that worse could happen.
I am trying to recommend a course of action to prevent further "misunderstandings".
I am trying to explain exactly why these measures are necessary.
I am angry. Simply dismissing my concerns, ridiculing or chastising me isn't going to help that matter right now.
I am willing to take all the ridicule and chastisement you would like to administer. Please, only after I have made my point understood.
I am trying to remain constructive and friendly.
I am working very hard to make myself understood.
Spademan apologised and tried hard to make himself understood to me.
Spademan asked for a translation.
I have asked for help in translating and helping us understand each other.
Evidently, you have not understood the sense of my posts.

People add things to the end of their posts.
Pictures, jokes, sometimes adverts.
My name and my nickname are what I add to the end of my posts. Does this bother you ? If so, why ?

At the risk of sounding repetetive. ;)

The RoadRunner..


Cita de: RoadRunner en 28 de Marzo de 2008, 09:35:30 AM

At the risk of sounding repetetive. ;)

Ok. Punto final para ésta historia. Te invito a que sigas participando de éste foro, y que te dejes a un lado el malentendido :wink:
XII Rendez-Vous @ San Fernando de Cádiz, 18.09.2009
XV Rendez-Vous @ Benicarló, 05.10.2012
XVI Rendez-Vous @ Madrid, 12.10.2013
XVII Rendez-Vous @ Sevilla, 27.09.2014


Cita de: Xethis en 28 de Marzo de 2008, 08:48:38 AM
Cita de: Juan en 28 de Marzo de 2008, 08:45:49 AM
Si este foro se distingue por algo es por dar total libertad a los foreros (siempre dentro de unos límites, claro está). Así que nada, siempre y cuando estas batallas se desarrollen en TERTULIA, vostros mismos.


Jefe, tomo ésto como un tirón de orejas... :wink: Solo me parece que éste cristiano ha llegado demasiado lejos (léase los reclamos legales en contra del foro entero)

Bah, no tanto a ti como a todo el mundo...

A disfurtar coño que la vida son 4 días y 3 son Fallas!  :wink:


Cita de: Xethis en 28 de Marzo de 2008, 09:40:26 AM
Cita de: RoadRunner en 28 de Marzo de 2008, 09:35:30 AM

At the risk of sounding repetetive. ;)

Ok. Punto final para ésta historia. Te invito a que sigas participando de éste foro, y que te dejes a un lado el malentendido :wink:


The RoadRunner..


Navegando por el blog de no somos nadie en m80 ¿a que no sabeis a quien me he encontrado? ¡A Chuck!    :lol: :lol: :lol:

Por cierto, RoadRunner, perhaps it will be a good idea that you take a tour at, is the 'Guía Para No Perderse En El Foro de la Real Academia Letras FairJosmareras', a guide that show you wath's cooking on this forum, where you'll find some interesting entris like 'Heliotropada' (that refers to Eugenio) and others examples of our personal humour. (and sorry for my eglish  :|)            


Cita de: Ñáñaro en 28 de Marzo de 2008, 12:04:23 PM
Navegando por el blog de no somos nadie en m80 ¿a que no sabeis a quien me he encontrado? ¡A Chuck!    :lol: :lol: :lol:

Por cierto, RoadRunner, perhaps it will be a good idea that you take a tour at, is the 'Guía Para No Perderse En El Foro de la Real Academia Letras FairJosmareras', a guide that show you wath's cooking on this forum, where you'll find some interesting entris like 'Heliotropada' (that refers to Eugenio) and others examples of our personal humour. (and sorry for my eglish  :|)            

Thank you for your kind offer of help.
I do appreciate it.

I apologise for needing to use your kind offer to help me demonstrate my point. It is not my intention to argue with you.

How many other visitors, not speaking Spanish, finding a threat on your forum would know where to look to find how to translate your humour ?

I didn't.

I don't mind making a fool of myself and being another "trophy" in your forum's history.
I don't mind people making jokes about me. I would like to share in those jokes and also joke with you.

I would like to help prevent anyone else being threatened by your humour.
Threats instill fear.
Anger is the result of the concious choice to address the source of the fear.
Anger is an inevitable response to a threat.
I have attempted to apologise to the members of the board for my part in this misunderstanding.

I am hoping for some serious discussion from members of this forum on how a simple joke cannot be allowed to become perceived as a threat.

This will demonstrate to me that people are understanding the point I am trying to make.

I am not offended by your humour.
I am worried that someone else could easily feel threatened in the future.
I am worried that "the next time" may have the potential to be worse than a clown with an EWI making a fool of himself.

Can anyone understand my points when put so simply ?

PD - A guy in the UK was arrested for posting a threat on the internet. He says he meant it as a joke. There were no signs that his was meant as a joke. He was still arrested and prosecuted.
He is not an isolated case.
I'm not trying to threaten legal action. I am trying to point out that even when meant as a joke, a threat is still serious if the other person has no way of knowing that it is a joke.

The RoadRunner..

Paqui Dermo

Parece el Credo esto.

Podría ser un buen letrista de oraciones.

No quiero ni pensar en los pollos que le montará a su mujer cuando ella le diga algo inconveniente. Ejemplo: ¡Como te vuelvas a dejar la tapa del váter levantada te corto las bolas!
Imagino una llamada a la policía, o la asistencia a un porrón de sesiones con un terapeuta matrimonial.

Es como el conejito de Duracell, y duran y duran...


Cita de: Paqui Dermo en 28 de Marzo de 2008, 08:31:51 PM

No quiero ni pensar en los pollos que le montará a su mujer cuando ella le diga algo inconveniente. Ejemplo: ¡Como te vuelvas a dejar la tapa del wáter levantada te corto las bolas!
Imagino una llamada a la policía, o la asistencia a un porrón de sesiones con un terapeuta matrimonial.

Es como el conejito de Duracell, y duran y duran...

:-D :-D :-D Como que ya no teníamos un par así en el foro... :-D :-D :-D
XII Rendez-Vous @ San Fernando de Cádiz, 18.09.2009
XV Rendez-Vous @ Benicarló, 05.10.2012
XVI Rendez-Vous @ Madrid, 12.10.2013
XVII Rendez-Vous @ Sevilla, 27.09.2014


Cita de: Paqui Dermo en 28 de Marzo de 2008, 08:31:51 PM
Parece el Credo esto.

Podría ser un buen letrista de oraciones.

No quiero ni pensar en los pollos que le montará a su mujer cuando ella le diga algo inconveniente. Ejemplo: ¡Como te vuelvas a dejar la tapa del váter levantada te corto las bolas!
Imagino una llamada a la policía, o la asistencia a un porrón de sesiones con un terapeuta matrimonial.

Es como el conejito de Duracell, y duran y duran...
Sí, pero el tío este es un fichaje de primera... Hacía tiempo que no lo flipaba tanto: Yo creo que desde lo del Rambo Polaco...  :-o :-D
"Jarre?? Está bien... Te ríes..." (El Lobowolf)


A mí me recuerda a Andrés Synthesizer, nunca la cortaba con los temas que iniciaba   :-o


Cita de: Chuck Norris en 29 de Marzo de 2008, 12:27:40 AM
A mí me recuerda a Andrés Synthesizer, nunca la cortaba con los temas que iniciaba   :-o
Ése sí que era un misterio y no las líneas de Nazca... Sería real o un simple onirismo de un forero jachondo??  :?
"Jarre?? Está bien... Te ríes..." (El Lobowolf)


Quitando la broma que hice el 28 de diciembre de 2006 :roll: , pienso que el personaje "real" seguirá siendo un misterio nunca resuelto en este foro, nadie a estas altura puede asegurar si fué una invención o un tipo común y corriente :-P
Era como una especie de Terminator imposible de "demoler", discutió con todo el mundo sin cabrearse y permanecia inmutable ante cualquier insulto.



Paqui Dermo,
Can you understand the difference between your wife threatening to cut off your balls and someone you don't know... such as myself.. threatening to smash your skull with my didgeridoo if I ever see you at one of my performances ?

You know your wife and know if she is serious or not.

You don't know me. You don't know how serious my comment may be.

I'm going to smash his skull with my didgeridoo if I ever see him at my concerts !!!  :x



You see... By the simple addition of the wink AFTER my post, a reader can see that it is  a joke. Perhaps it's a bad joke. Perhaps the joke is in bad taste, but at least the reader knows that it is a joke and not a threat.

Here's another...

I'm going to give him a flying kick and put a stop to his desires, real quick !  :x

Hey Pablo, be careful about how you make jokes.
We don't want another run-away RoadRunner situation, do we ??? ;)


You see, this way, the person who has just found the comment about him can see that it was made in jest even though the original poster "Pablo" has neglected to make it understood to a casual reader that it was just a joke.

Reading the comments from others seems to indicate that your forum has a history of offending, insulting and/or threatening people.

You are giving me the impression that I am not the first to be angered by your humour. (although If I had seen clearly that it was humour, it would not have angered me.)

It would be safe to conclude that unless you start to understand the consequences of your comments, I will not be the last.

I would like to hope that I am the last who will feel threatened by your humour.
I am trying to help make sure that I am the last person to feel threatened by your humour.

Yet, still I am met with closed minds and ridicule.
For how long will you continue to ridicule from a closed mind before you get the message ?
What do I have to do to make it clear to you that I can take a joke. I'll laugh at a joke if it is funny and I will join in with a joke even if I find it a little offensive about myself.

The jokes on this forum can be misinterpreted as threats.
It is imperative that you all ensure that any threats made in jest are seen as jokes and not a genuine threat.
The next person you threaten may not simply over react by making a lot of noise in your forum. The next person may take more drastic action against the person posting their joke without awaiting an apology or explanation.

Please, somebody translate for me and make my points understood.

PD: "Smack his head with my didgeridoo" is a long-standing RoadRunner joke. Anyone who knows me knows that I am joking if I say it. Anyone who doesn't know me, doesn't know this and I wouldn't say it to someone I don't know - not without making sure that they KNOW that it is only a joke.

The RoadRunner..


Let's put it even more simply...

How would any of you feel if I told you that I've been having a big joke with you ?
That I've just been having a joke since my first post here ?

You'd still be angry with me, right ? You'd be telling me to make sure that my jokes are seen as jokes and that threatening people isn't funny. Yes ?

You've been very angry with me, partly because you perceived my posts as stating a threat to your forum or your friends.

Do you see my point yet ?

By the way, just in case anyone now has doubts, I'm not joking.
I am being very, very serious.

The RoadRunner..