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Iniciado por nemesis, 03 de Agosto de 2005, 11:13:37 AM

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Es que , a ver, el FL es un programa muy bueno, pero basado en hacer música encadenando patrones, de una forma menos natural que el Reason que Jarre usó para AERO, o yo mismo para el Fotosíntesis en el que trajino estas semanas, y que estará listo para Navidades.

Mmmm    No andaré yo promocionándome onde no debo eh?

"A way of fixing the ephemeral, in this progression between memories and dreams..."

Sigfrid von Schrink

Un pequeño descanso en medio del agotador trabajo.

Sigfrid von Schrink

Cita de: mike oldfieldThis old instruments are too big for my humilde house. So I'm listening new influences like Azimut, you know?

Yes! ItÃ,´s certain! Look at the evidences:

Do you think to help to Eugenio Espejo for the production of new music material?


Cita de: Sigfrid von SchrinkUn pequeño descanso en medio del agotador trabajo.

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:
"Teo & Tea es el caso de publicidad engañosa más flagrante que he visto desde que demandé la película La Historia Interminable".
Lionel Hutz, abogado.


JAJAJAJAJAAJJAJJJAJAAJJAJAJA!! yoske me parto la pepitaaaaaaaaa!!! JJAJAJAJAJAJJAAJA :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
"Jarre?? Está bien... Te ríes..." (El Lobowolf)

mike oldfield

Sigfrid, my musical influences are ever changing, better and better

1973. Kevin Ayers & the Whole World, Sibelius, Bach ...

1978. Philip Glass, Pierre Moerlen ...

1999 Dj Pipi

2005 Mirror.

Ok, this photograph belongs to mi promotion of Light$Shade in enemy territory from the notas (the harp player). I received an attack from the members of FJ, Sigfrid, Everkindness, Astropop, Zopa, etc. etc.. Bad peolple, not like Mirror, fantastic person and best musician


Le estoy dando una primera audición al disco de Mike Oldfield...  el tema First Steps no es un arreglo diferente (pero no muy diferente) de otro tema del Tres Lunas?.

Me esta dejando esto muy indiferente...  autencia música para aeropuertos.


Cita de: mike oldfieldSigfrid, my musical influences are ever changing, better and better

1973. Kevin Ayers & the Whole World, Sibelius, Bach ...

1978. Philip Glass, Pierre Moerlen ...

1999 Dj Pipi

2005 Mirror.

I entender for you influence is the you music is very aburrid aburrid pluf plof chop, and prefer to dj pipi and monotonous Glass, desde lueg.

Sorry mi inglis/spanish from Torrelodones (Spain).

mike oldfield

I've got a lot of respect of Mr. Glass but today is no color, he is old, boring and monotonous. Instead Dj Pipi (not confunde to Pipi, Terelu's boyfriend) is young, pretty, modern, a breath of fresh air, a big danzaring. Dj Pipi has the best curriculum and best dance music. He worked at Pacha Ibiza and maked a lot of remixes, "PACHA COMPILATION" (VOL.1,2,3,4), "UNDISCOVERED IBIZA" (VOL.1,2,3.), "IBIZA REUNION 2001", etc. etc.


Cita de: mike oldfieldI've got a lot of respect of Mr. Glass but today is no color, he is old, boring and monotonous. Instead Dj Pipi (not confunde to Pipi, Terelu's boyfriend) is young, pretty, modern, a breath of fresh air, a big danzaring. Dj Pipi has the best curriculum and best dance music. He worked at Pacha Ibiza and maked a lot of remixes, "PACHA COMPILATION" (VOL.1,2,3,4), "UNDISCOVERED IBIZA" (VOL.1,2,3.), "IBIZA REUNION 2001", etc. etc.

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

PD: Is usted and fenomenonen.

Sally Oldfield

My brother is a very good technician. Is very important for EspejoÃ,´s sequences that's need syncronization and not running a su free albedrio conforming more times a sonic gazpacho. In the next espejo's maquettes this problem is resolving thanks to my brother experience and hard work.

Sally Oldfield

One of these days, i talk over my relation with Vangelis. Is a fantastic man with one maravellous fingers jisjisjis

Sally Oldfield

My brother and Vangelis are god friends and is possible to colaboring with Espejo for the ultimate maqueta. Both, hate Jarre for her playbacks and nefaste music and this is a problem if working with Espejo but i supongo that is possible to limar differences.

Sally Oldfield

And now i can say goodbay. I cometing a heliotropada sorry  :cry:


vaya inglés más cutre, es sin duda del instituto Mongol, oiiiigh!  :lol:
"Yo he sido marxista, juerguista, cupletista, porrista, molista, jalista, filista, filipino, mongol, penga, tonga, longa, songa..."