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archive for JMJ-like music -

Iniciado por legacy, 24 de Noviembre de 2008, 04:25:41 PM

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i want to let you know, that i'm right about to build a lil' website which is gonna
"collect" music in the style of JM Jarre. actually the "jarre-like" (why i say
"jarre-like" - plz read on my website  ) music is everywhere on the web, but
unfortunately spread all over. not "focussed". so i want to bring -at least the
links- to ONE place. don't know, how you think about this idea, but if it may be a
good idea in your eyes, plz come to my site if you have links, (own) music or helpful
informations. btw, sorry for my bad english. anyway, the website is still in a
testing-mode, so pleeeez be patient with some contents. my site is

greets, J.L.


P.S. maybe someone can translate this into spanish, because of the rubbish what comes out, if i try this with google-translator  :wink: