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Iniciado por SyntheticMan, 18 de Febrero de 2016, 08:14:08 PM

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Paqui Dermo

Hombre, hay un forero alicantino que si no lleva 5.1 te lo pone.

Además el home cinema con un botón se pone en 5.1

Enviado desde mi MSX Sony HitBit


No se grabo en 5.1, pero suena cojonudamente bien en un equipo de esas caracteristicas comparado a que se yo, una cassettera stereo regular de los 80. Podria haber dicho equipo cuadrafonico, pero lo pongo mas como ejemplo en realcion a que aun escuchado en un buen equipo, RV suena pobre como mezcla comparado al resto.


Entrevista con Boris Blank. Comenta lo siguiente:

You recently collaborated with JEAN-MICHEL JARRE. What was that experience like?

The experience with JEAN-MICHEL JARRE was, if you compare it to chess players, like if you send a move to your friend in Stockholm or Tokyo. He was in Los Angeles and he sent me the track which he would like to collaborate on with YELLO for his album. As our move, Dieter and I sent him back some voices and a story, which Dieter came up with, and a few rhythmic and sound ideas from myself.

We haven't met so far, but it was a nice experience and I admire his musical life a lot. I remember 'Oxygene'. When I was very young, l thought "Wow, this is a whole other world of electronic music" – you know, it had the characteristic that Krautrock, all the German electronics, had at the time.

It was a pleasure and a big honour for us to be on this album, in such great company, with MASSIVE ATTACK and all these great people involved in the project.

En este caso no hubo encuentro, o sea, no va a haber "track story".

Por cierto, esa web está muy bien. Es una en la que suelo entrar habitualmente (de nada! ;-)).


me gustaria mucho el track strory con los pet shop boys, con Jean Michel hablando con Neil mientras que Cris se queda al margen calladito como siempre....